De Quest for wisdom foundation deelt graag berichten uit de internationale social media teneinde aandacht te vragen voor prangende situaties en, of inspirerende voorbeelden tonen van interculturele levenskunst.
Lees een verslag over de oude cultuur van de Chaoan, die tot duizend jaar geleden in het Noordwesten van New Mexico leefden.
Als we met dezelfde ogen naar onze beschaving zouden kijken waarmee we verwonderend ‘oude civilisaties’ bekijken: wat de resten en sporen in moeder aarde vertellen over het ecologische en interculturele web van relaties waarop die gemeenschap berust en welke wijsheid ze daarmee doorgaf aan volgende generaties…
Sourc: BBC, by Smoke & Apple, 22 May 2020
One thousand years ago, the Chacoans thrived in a scorching-hot desert. Their remarkably intact buildings reveal a lot about their culture – but now these structures are endangered.

In the heart of the San Juan Basin, in the arid north-western corner of New Mexico, stands one of the greatest ancient treasures in the US: the remarkably preserved remains of a vast building complex believed to have been constructed between 850 and 1250 AD that may have housed as many as 5,000 people. The high desert area of Chaco Canyon sees cold winters, scorching-hot summers and only about 22 cm of rainfall every year. Yet, it was home to a thriving, yet mysterious, civilisation – the Chacoans, ancestors of the Puebloans.
In 1907, this isolated 53 sq-mile expanse of desert became a national historical park, containing 13 major ruins and more than 400 archaeological sites. Pueblo Bonito, the largest excavated site, covers about 2 acres and has roughly 800 rooms arranged in a D-shaped building. The site was designed with sophisticated irrigation systems, the doorways are perfectly aligned with each other to facilitate communication and researchers estimate it housed about 2,000 people.
Read more: a-mysterious-us-desert-civilisation
[1] Source: Chetro Ketl great kiva plaza