Source: The Increasing case of street children, 17-02-2017
De QFWF wil een platform zijn voor schrijnende situaties in de globaliserende wereld, die meer dan ‘ontwikkelingssamenwerking’ vragen.
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News commentary on the increasing case of street children
By Eleanor Obeng Appiah

For many years, our beloved country has been grappling with the issue of street children.
Currently about sixty-one thousand four hundred and ninety-two children are on the streets of Accra struggling to make ends meet.
This is in fragrant violation of the children’s act which states that under no circumstance should a person below the age of fifteen be allowed to work or fend for him or herself.
Therefore, the increasing phenomenon of streetism is not only worrying but also demeaning, and a dent on our national image.
This is a demonstration of the failure of our social infrastructure.
This is a country, where we pride ourselves of having a vibrant and strong family ties. It leaves many to wonder what has happened and how we got here, that this significant proportion of our youths can no longer find solace and respite in the comfort of their homes, that is even if they have homes, that the only option available to them is to go out into the streets to engage in menial jobs as well as begging in order to make ends meet.