Art Dialogues for Professional Communities


Theater and Play for Imagining and Developing the Good Life Within Organizations

In het zojuist verschenen handbook voor ‘career counseling’ een hoofdstuk over de kracht van theater als een onderzoekende stem in de dialoog.

by Heidi S. C. A. Muijen, René Brohm, Stanske Lomans

Source: Handbook of Innovative Career Counselling


Ever since ancient times, theater has served a political and educational function. We have brought theater into the workplace to explore the revitalization of political life, and to counterbalance instrumental approaches towards career innovation. Within the framework of Art Dialogue Methods (ADM) that we have developed over the years by using different kinds of art forms, we present an arts-based action research. Experiments with theater have alerted us to the potential of embodiment in art dialogues. We argue that theater in organizations takes transitional space not just as a means to readjust to a fixed social reality, but also to stimulate people to play around with organizational reality. Imagining and developing the good working life as a community can emerge from play and thereby provide community learning and an existential perspective for career counselling.

Read more: Handbook of Innovative Career Counselling


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Heidi Muijen en Joke Koppius vormen gezamenlijk de hoofdredactie van de Quest for wisdom foundation. De Redactionele pagina's zijn afkomstig van de hoofdredactie en — indien aangeven — door en met medewerking van derden geschreven.

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