To: QFWF Authors and Teams, Board, Honorary members and Friend(s),
Highly valued and dear circle of QFWF-stakeholders,
We are happy to memorize some wonderful events:
Firstly, the launching of the third QFWF site ― animal-wisdom.org ― since this autumnal equinox morning. And not unimportant: the site is largely bilingual!
Secondly the 5th Anniversary Annual Meeting Day, on the 2nd of October on which the wisdom of Birds and elemental wisdom of air was highlighted, such as the proverbial freedom of Bird in the Golden Cage
Animal Wisdom and other playful educational materials

On the home page, you will see the cheerfully rotating Animal Wisdom Wheel — beautiful design work by Tom van Teijlingen of TastyMouse — with the ‘icons’ of the five animals in their elemental fields; and the four Chinese celestial beings denoting the four cardinal directions:
Special thanks and tribute to Chrisje Ronde, who made the pen drawings for the QFWF ― in her appealing visual style.
This website shapes Quest 2: the Golden Ratio founded on five pillars with educational materials — specifically the fifth pillar with the intercultural storytelling programme Animal Wisdom.
The QFWF editors-in-chief Heidi Muijen and Joke Koppius used the long (late) summer days to prepare the website pages and Greg Suffanti edited the English part of the website: not just all the basic (and the more or less legally required) pages, for instance the QFWF Animal Wisdom Team, also all the editorial pages that explain the concept of the QFWF Animal Wisdom program as well.
Generous and active circles around the QFWF
Thanks to the generous contributions of hearts and hands-on around the QFWF, the first handful of Animal Wisdoms is to be seen on the website.
Six e-books are in the pipeline, the first three of which will be published at the end of November!
Other educational material will also be available soon in the Shop on the website, such as the intercultural lesson that was partly realized thanks to funding of the Amsterdam Zuidoost/Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds.
Welcome to all of your hearts, heads, eyes and hands to deliver more materials and show by means of stories, visual arts, music and other medial forms how animals are wise, funny, annoying, meditating and happy in their element…!
Organizing the Quest for wisdom
In line with the realization of the (third) animal-wisdom.org website and Annual Meeting Day, we have opted for a simplified method entirely in line with the practice that has been developed over the years:
The generic QFWF editors-in-chief in consultation of the QFWF editorial board (=combination of editorial team and council) will take care of the three QFWF Quests with help of volunteers in establishing the materials for the three websites:
- the Wisdom Web with the valuable contributions of about 80 authors all around the world, providing texts, musical and visual expressions of wisdom
- the Gulden Snede with Animal Wisdom and
- the Agenda on the QFWF site with the Meeting Days, masterclasses and workshops.
A contemporary Maori song from New Zealand, composed by the late Hirini Melbourne and inspired by ancient children’s chant which calls for the good weather.
Tīhore Mai Te Rangi
Artist: Teresa Bright
Clear up Sky
clear up
stop stop stop Rain
come out Sun
stop stop stop Rain
come out Sun.
Fly Kingfisher
up onto the clump of astelia.
Ruffle the rain-drops from your wings
in case you catch a chill.
Ruffle the rain-drops from your wings
in case you catch a chill.
Clear up Sky . . .
Escape Earthworm
out of your burrow
in case it fills with water
and you drown.
in case it fills with water
and you drown.
Clear up Sky
clear up
stop stop stop Rain
come out Sun
stop stop stop Rain
come out Sun.
e . . . i . . . e . . .
Let the Sun shine
e . . . i . . . e . . .
Let the Sun shine
Hoping for your lasting dedication to build an intercultural Tree of Wisdom in cocreation with your valuable and greatly esteemed contributions!
With happy and grateful regards,