Kathy Anita de Vries-de Graaf
He kissed the threshold of my soul
and left the traces of his footsteps there,
Oh Shams, how do I mourn thee,
My tears are as innumerable as dewdrops
covering the earth in spring.

Dit gedicht schreef ik geïnspireerd op het verdriet van Rumi na het heengaan van zijn leraar. En over de woorden van Rumi:
Don’t steal these words
to sell them,
Nor pretend that you
can understand them.
When you enter into these words
your lips touch the
presence of silence,
echoing in your heart.
[1] Bron: Shams ud-Din Tabriz 1502-1504 Diwan-e Shams-e Tabriz-i, Rumi, Farsi schrift (afbeelding circa 1503)