African Philosophy in the Netherlands


Angela Roothaan

April 20, 2019, source: african-philosophy-in-the-netherlands

There is something changing in the Dutch philosophical landscape — for some years mainly at the intersection of public and academic philosophy, now hesitantly in academia, there is a growing interest in African Philosophy. Being among those promoting this change, I wanted for a long time to write a post on this long overdue development. Having attended and contributed to several public and academic events centering on African Philosophy in these past two weeks, let me use their afterglow to highlight some signs of how Dutch interest is developing.


Over the past years several interesting titles in African philosophy have been published in Dutch translations, such as a book on Ubuntu by Mogobe Ramose, and the one on Socrates and Orunmila by recently deceased Sophie Oluwole. During her time with the publishing house Ten Have[1], Renate Schepen[2] helped to introduce these authors to the Dutch audience. Another publisher, Van Tilt[3], introduced the work of Souleymane Bachir Diagne in a Dutch translation of Pol van de Wiel[4] .


There are still no lecturers in my country who have a full time position in African philosophy, like there are those who have the same in Ancient Greek philosophy, or Arabic philosophy. That doesn’t mean there are no academics teaching in diverse contexts, who have a name in the field through their publications. Among them are Michael Eze[5] , who teaches in the department of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, Pieter Boele van Hensbroek[6], at Groningen University, and Louise Müller[7] , who is a Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Kwazulu Natal, and guest researcher at Leiden University. My own Department of Philosophy at the Free University Amsterdam recently added a course to the curriculum called Diversifying Philosophy, which will contain some African Philosophy, and will be taught as of next year. A full course of African Philosophy was taught this school year by two lecturers of Wageningen University[8] (university of life sciences) — an initiative of self-employed researcher, teacher and artist Birgit Boogaard[9]. There are several others who add elements of African philosophy in their courses in Development or Religious Studies.

A network

An initiative has started last year May to bring together all of those who teach African Philosophy in the Netherlands, to promote the field, and benefit from each other’s experiences concerning teaching this special field. A first meeting was held at Radboud University, hosted by Philippe van Haute[10] and Herman Westerink[11] , and plans are in the making to transform the network into a research group in the context provided by the Dutch Research School for Philosophy[12] .


These last weeks saw a string of events, made possible by the visit of several African philosophers to the interdisciplinary Nijmegen conference on Intercultural Dialogues[13].

There was an interesting seminar — in a packed lecture hall — on Knowledge Diversity at Wageningen University[14] featuring Wilfred Lajul[15] from Uganda and Pius Mosima[16] from Cameroon.

Together with the latter I also had the opportunity to speak at a public event on Depression in different cultures at Radboud Reflects, in — again — a packed Lux Theatre. This lively evening with discussion can be watched back here[17]. The national newspaper Trouw[18] had an article related to the event. And Brandpunt[19] + followed the week after.


Here I can only add what is missing, and sometimes counterintuitively. The renowned Leiden African Studies Center[20] has no chair in African Philosophy, or even a lecturer — showing that those studying aspects of things African lack systematic opportunities to either reflect philosophically on their field, or to study the philosophies of the African continent.

Another place where one might expect Intercultural, including African, Philosophy is the Institute of Social Studies[21] in the Hague, which dedicates itself to programs concerning development.
Also here researchers and teachers have nobody in their midst who assures institutionally the dedication to reflection on their field, or philosophical aspects of the projects in the ‘developing world’.

Even the young program in Comparative Philosophy[22] in Leiden does not yet have a position dedicated to African Philosophy.

There still is much to be done. Maybe Philosophy Departments should start taking the lead here now.



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werkt als universitair docent aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Haar onderzoek richt zich steeds meer op interculturele en Afrikaanse filosofie, en op thema’s als natuur, moderniteit, spiritualiteit en sjamanisme. Ze publiceerde boeken over Spinoza, natuur in de ethiek, waarheid, spiritualiteit en geesten in de moderne wereld.

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