Kofi Dorvlo (1953-2022) was a Ghanaian former visiting research fellow of the African Studies Centre Leiden (2019). He was awarded his PhD in 2008 at Leiden University for his study on the documentation of the language and culture of the Logba population in Ghana: A grammar of Logba (Ikpana). See: openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/handle/1887/12945.
As a researcher, Kofi Dorvlo was first connected to the University of Ghana in Accra (Legon), then to the University of Health and Allied Sciences in Ho in the Volta Region.
His recent article, ‘Restitution and Redistribution of Ewe Heritage’, was included in a volume edited by dr. Daniela Merolla and dr. Mark Turin in 2017, which was entitled: ‘Searching for Sharing: Heritage and Multimedia in Africa.’
Kofi’s research focused on the stories and rituals of the Ewe people in Southeast Ghana.
From March 2022 Kofi’s literary legacy, the trilingual e-book Caught in the Cosmic Web – Ghanaian Folk Tales in the Twenty-First Century ISBN: 978 94 921 27 112 is available (English, Akan/Twi and Ewe) and later on this year the trilingual e-book Gevangen in het Kosmische Web – Ghanese Volksverhalen in de 21e Eeuw ISBN: 978 94 921 27 129 (NL, Akan/Twi en Ewe).
A Logba maxim says:
Wijsheden van Kofi Dorvloa-zuzɔ fɛ́ alɛ blɔ-mɛ i-bo
Houseflies also have their importanceMeaning: one should value all contributions