Originally from Indonesia, Michael Susanto (2000) moved to the Netherlands in 2019 to study Psychology at Leiden University. He was awarded the Holland scholarship by the Dutch Ministry of Education and completed his study in 2022 with a thesis on the transdiagnostic nature of Intolerance of Uncertainty.
Michael has deep interests in music, arts, philosophy, and culture. He started playing the violin at the age of eleven by the inspiration of Bach Chaconne and continued exploring various repertoires through his participation in a local youth orchestra in Jakarta, Orkes Komunitas Concordia.
Among the great figures who left some influence in Michael’s way of philosophizing are Heidegger, Proust, Merleau-Ponty, and Laozi. Together with some other unmentioned names, they shaped Michael’s approach to the existential nuance—the ‘human filter’—of Life’s on-going-ness. Last but not least, Michael believes that the purpose of philosophy, if there’s one, is not to demonstrate the Truth—since that would be a public humiliation for ‘truth’—but instead to facilitate the event in which truth was conceived.
Wijsheden van Michael SusantoThe truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.
Augustinus van Hippo